IM group extensions are asymmetric
I’ve marked this one as a proposal rather than a bug because I see it more as a case of suboptimal syntax than a functionality hole/malfunction.
As of 2.9.29, if you want to permit 1-to-1 IMs only and block groups you can do sendimto:allgroups=n and recvimfrom:allgroups=n
If you want to block 1-to-1 IMs and permit groups you must do sendim=n,recvim=n,sendim:allgroups=add,recvim:allgroups=add - four commands for this case versus two commands before.
This suggests to me there should be either a “direct” or “allresidents” token, allowing sendimto:direct=n / sendimto:allresidents=n or new additional commands which don’t need the tokens, eg sendimgroup and sendimdirect (or sendimresident). In the case of the new commands, the current allgroups extensions would stay but coders would gravitate towards the new commands as being easier/simpler.
I haven’t mentioned startim above, however it should be similarly extended so startim, recvim and sendim stay as alike as possible in their parameters and options.