repository is not "finalized"

Issue #22 resolved
Lance Corrimal created an issue

could you please do, commit and push the finalizing merge, right now the repo has three heads...

.@sai:/temp/slsource/svn/Other> hg clone ssh:// restrainedlove requesting all changes adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 20797 changesets with 110997 changes to 9402 files (+2 heads) updating to branch default 9072 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

.@sai:/temp/slsource/svn/Other/restrainedlove> hg heads . changeset: 20796:e3642606ebf3 tag: tip user: Marine Kelley date: Sat Oct 22 19:36:18 2011 +0200 summary: RLV on SLV

changeset: 20750:d0c157799438 user: Marine Kelley date: Thu Sep 29 12:06:20 2011 +0200 summary: .hgignore

changeset: 20737:1f0568f787e9 user: Marine Kelley date: Sun Sep 25 12:13:58 2011 +0200 summary: Backed out changeset: 24858c4426ba

Comments (17)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Thanks for the heads-up Lance !

    I would love to but... I have no clue how to do that on Bitbucket. I thought that every push automatically triggered an update here, since this repo is made for people to clone. Besides, when I clone with TortoiseHg, I get only one head and no complaint. And when I clone from the console, I get many more than just 3 heads. I'm totally confused here.

    I'll look around for options on this repo, but any help is appreciated !

  2. Lance Corrimal reporter

    i would do the merge, but for that i'd have to know which side of the fork is the one to keep... 0.o

  3. Lance Corrimal reporter

    I attempted to merge the three heads, and now the source does not build anymore. [ 37%] Building CXX object llrender/CMakeFiles/llrender.dir/llrendertarget.o /usr/src/packages/BUILD/restrainedlove/indra/llrender/llgl.cpp: In static member function 'static void LLGLNamePool::upkeepPools()': /usr/src/packages/BUILD/restrainedlove/indra/llrender/llgl.cpp:2143:2: error: 'LLInstanceTrackerScopedGuard' is not a member of 'LLGLNamePool::tracker_t' /usr/src/packages/BUILD/restrainedlove/indra/llrender/llgl.cpp:2143:42: error: expected ';' before 'guard' /usr/src/packages/BUILD/restrainedlove/indra/llrender/llgl.cpp:2144:39: error: 'guard' was not declared in this scope /usr/src/packages/BUILD/restrainedlove/indra/llrender/llgl.cpp: In static member function 'static void LLGLNamePool::cleanupPools()': /usr/src/packages/BUILD/restrainedlove/indra/llrender/llgl.cpp:2154:2: error: 'LLInstanceTrackerScopedGuard' is not a member of 'LLGLNamePool::tracker_t' /usr/src/packages/BUILD/restrainedlove/indra/llrender/llgl.cpp:2154:42: error: expected ';' before 'guard' /usr/src/packages/BUILD/restrainedlove/indra/llrender/llgl.cpp:2155:39: error: 'guard' was not declared in this scope

  4. Marine Kelley repo owner

    I don't think merging the heads would be a good idea yet... The head you should use is 20796 for now.

    For the record, I had to backout several changesets from LL that were done for SH-2181, because they broke invisiprims so badly shoes were useless, hence the multiple heads. I reckon that it makes things more complicated and I'm not surprised merging breaks the build.

    I don't understand why you set it as blocker though, isn't it possible to build without merging ?

  5. Lance Corrimal reporter

    it is possible to build, *but* it is impossible to pull your updates into my dolphin source, and it is also impossible from now on to "hg pull" from your repo... only fresh clones until you merge :/

  6. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Ok... That might take a while and I can't do it today, but I will do it as soon as I'm able. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  7. Lance Corrimal reporter

    i cheated... i cloned your repo, made a zip file of the source, merged the heads any old way, and unpacked the zip file on top of that. now I have a clean (ok, pseudoclean) RLV3 repo, and I already have a dolphin 3.1 with your latest RLV and SL 3.1 XD I can send you my "cleanup" as pull requests if you like.

  8. Lance Corrimal reporter

    you do realize that if you accept those pull requests, your repo will effectively *loose* the two extra heads with the stuff from/for SH2181, do you?

  9. Marine Kelley repo owner

    It should be resolved now. I have moved my repository to a backup name, then cloned it, that had the nice effect of pruning all the useless heads. Please tell me if you have any difficulties still.

  10. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Damn. I don't see what else I can do, except clear this repository and push my local one again, which has only one head (that I know of).

    Is that a sensible solution ? Or would it break everything ? I don't want to make things worse than they already are.

  11. Lance Corrimal reporter

    that would break the complete change history. do you have access to a linux box? I could write you a step-by-step on how i cleaned up my local fork, but some of that would be linux only...

    Or you could give me write access to your repo for today and I could fix it directly.

  12. Marine Kelley repo owner

    that would break the complete change history. do you have access to a linux box?

    No I don't, sorry

    Or you could give me write access to your repo for today and I could fix it directly.

    Sure, and that would be great. Thank you :) I just need to know how not to make this mistake again (if I actually made a mistake somewhere, because I'm still not sure what lead this repo to have 3 heads).

  13. Lance Corrimal reporter

    I can't really imagine what turned the hydra loose, other than the remote possibility that you have three computers?

    or maybe three different working copies of the repo on one computer.

    anyway, I've cleaned and pushed, now the repo has one active head again, but is still on the same content as before.

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