Whispering speech not indicated as such

Issue #27 resolved
Alan Glover created an issue

In LL viewer (the current beta, including the v3 UI) when someone whispers the usual "xyz whispers: blah" message is given

In RLV when someone whispers it just appears as regular speech with no indication it was whispered - a bug or a config setting I'm missing somewhere?

Comments (6)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I have observed it as well, and could never point it out. Thanks for reporting it, I will look into it when able.

  2. Lance Corrimal

    I tested with just now and I got "say" as normal text, "shout" as bold and "whisper" as italic, same as in original LL viewer since 3.0...

    for example: Lance Corrimal: hello <-normal "say" Lance Corrimal: let's be very quiet, we're hunting rabbits <-- whispering is in italics

  3. Alan Glover reporter

    Yes, if you have your chat displaying on toasts... (I still had it installed on a different system) also shows this bug if you're using the chat window to display the chat

  4. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Looks like a LL issue to me (or a merge issue, perhaps). The culprit is not in my code, and the fix is trivial.

    Fixed in

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