on popups (dialogs) with no buttons other than "OK" the text appears outside the popup

Issue #28 resolved
Lance Corrimal created an issue

I believe this is a sideeffect of swapping the positions of buttons and texts in popups:

on popups that don't have any buttons other than a "OK", the actual text appears outside the popup (against the blue sky) which makes it very hard to read the text.

Prominent example: "Your region restarts in 3 minutes". The text itself appeared under the window and was impossible to read.

Comments (2)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner

    This is the result of my changing the behavior of script dialogs (may I point out that script dialogs and system notifications should have nothing in common, but it just so happens this is the same piece of code and the same XML file). So I am changing it back and simply making the size of the script dialogs fixed (resulting in a scrollable text instead of a variable sized window, exactly like in v1).

    Fixed in 2.8

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