Feature request - more flexibility for llDialog (and related popup) display

Issue #30 new
Alan Glover created an issue changed the display of dialogs so that they appear in upper right (as with V3) however the order of buttons and text was swapped to ensure that the buttons stay relatively constantly in the same position despite variations in the amount of displayed text.

Contrast this with the v2 model where dialogs were anchored in bottom right meaning the buttons were always constant and the text grew the top of the window upwards or the v1 model where dialogs are in upper right but a scroll bar is introduced if the amount of text exceeded a limit

There are however known issues with the way the dialog button swap appears in 2.7.4.x. Money received dialogs don't show any text (recorded in release notes/blog posting) and a separate issue here has been raised for the text on "region will restart in x minutes" not being on the window background either.

Being a UI issue, there's no one right answer. Some people prefer their buttons in the same place consistently, some will want this in the v2 way where dialogs were in the bottom right and some will be happy with the buttons moving so long as all the text is where it's supposed to be.

Generally I try not to make suggestions for creating several ways of doing things but here I believe there's an argument for requesting two new debug setting switches which would satisfy all camps.

1) Menus normal (top right) or forced to bottom right (v2) style. Benefits of this in bottom right mode:- buttons are consistently positioned, text grows up the screen. Disadvantage:- the bottom right of the screen is a busy area used for other popups too (eg new mail, notifications from other software, non-SL Instant Messages etc etc)

2) Invert buttons and text (only used when the first switch determines menus are in the usual top right v3 position). Benefits of this with buttons above text:- allows buttons to be consistently positioned for a top right menu. Disadvantage:- can cause a number of display issues such as those currently seen in

(Note - although this enhancement should be a Minor, I'm giving it Major due to the current display issues seen with Dialogs)

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