Viewer crashes on displaying Picks

Issue #31 resolved
Alan Glover created an issue

Pin the Picks icon to the bottom icon area. Click on it. RLV immediately exits. Works ok on current SL V3 beta, bug seen on two computers and two avatars.

Comments (5)

  1. Bitbucket user

    I can confirm that I can reproduce the bug. It happens on all three sides, meaning that the button crashes the viewer, no matter where it is.

  2. Marine Kelley repo owner

    This is my fault, the bug has been introduced after a fix I did for a screwed up merge, in-world profiles would not be filled with data anymore.

    Fixed in

  3. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Done. I usually push after a release, but this fix (and a few others) seems to be working well enough already.

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