layout of panel_status makes RLV unusable on smaller screens

Issue #35 resolved
Lance Corrimal created an issue

The current layout makes RLV unusable on smaller screens (1280x800 and below), but 1280x800 is quite common on laptops... see attached screenshot, taken on my laptop at 1280x800.

Comments (5)

  1. Lance Corrimal reporter

    I think the parcel status icons need to go back into the location input field where they used to be, and the draw distance and z-offset sliders can go from panel_navigation_bar.xml.

  2. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Yikes. Actually this is a bug, the sliders should not show in the status bar (the top menu bar), when the nav bar is open. I thought I had fixed this in, I'll look into it again.

  3. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Fixed (and improved) in 2.8. I assume this only happens when RLV is off.

    Parcel icons are included BOTH in the status bar and in the navigation bar, but for some reason the nav bar ones are not showing, as indicated in RLV_34. I still don't know why, at the time of this writing. However, the sliders belong to both bars as well. If you need to see the location but do not have enough screen real estate to show it on the status bar as well as the sliders, just display the navigation bar, and if you absolutely need to see the parcel icons (which is perfectly understandable, I need them on all the time), a workaround for RLV_34 is to display the mini location bar as well.

  4. Lance Corrimal reporter

    I've build that latest source, and I can honestly say that as soon as you switch off both navbar and mini status (as in, having everything in the top status bar), it doesn't even fit on 1680 wide screens anymore...

  5. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Have you tried with an UI size < 1.0 ? Even 0.90 works well on a normal (non-wide) screen

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