@getinvworn can return string literal "n" instead of two numbers for the this/child status indication

Issue #38 resolved
Alan Glover created an issue

(This is an old bug and I thought it had been nailed... it's still in though. This may also be contributing to the couple of issue reports about not being able to browse through #RLV since it can cause malformatted replies on getinvworn)

The #RLV structure involved is

folder: (top level)

folder: nameofitem

folder with attach point specified: nameofitem (pelvis)


ie #RLV/nameofitem/nameofitem (pelvis)/object and it's intended to use RLV's feature where a non-mod object can have its attach point quoted in the parent folder

doing @getinvworn for the nameofitem folder returns


<vertbar>11,nameofitem (pelvis)<vertbar>n

where <vertbar> is the vertical pipe character

I'm giving this a Major because it can break code to parse the return from getinvworn since only one character comes back instead of two (as well as the character being illegal).

Comments (6)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Confirmed. I thought I had fixed that one completely, thanks for reporting this.

  2. Alan Glover reporter
    • changed status to open

    Unfortunately this one is still not resolved in The behaviour has changed though - instead of "n" being returned the return data is omitted entirely.

    This is what happens:-

    [04:41] #rlv repro: Send: @getinvworn:Restraints/Outfits/SJ+Elegance/Straitjacket=100

    [04:41] #rlv repro: Return: |11,straitjacket|10,crotch strap (stomach),crotch strap (pelvis)

    Notice in the line above that there is no pipe/number after either of the folder names which include an attach point

    [04:42] #rlv repro: Send: @getinvworn:X3 Clit=100

    [04:42] #rlv repro: Return: |11,X3 clit (pelvis)

    Notice in the line above that there is no pipe and number after this folder name

    [04:42] #rlv repro: Send: @getinvworn:X3 clit (pelvis)=100

    [04:42] #rlv repro: Return:

    Notice in the line above that an empty string was returned

    (To Marine - contact me if you want to try this out with the actual avatar who has this #RLV)

  3. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Grr this is the never-ending bugfix. lol. I see why it does that, and I am now replacing "|n" with "|10" and "|N" with "|30". I know it's a hack, it's ugly as hell, but that's what "n" and "N" actually meant. It's just that the user was never supposed to see these letters, they were for internal use only.

    Fixed in 2.8.1

  4. Alan Glover reporter
    • changed status to open

    Sorry, but it's still not quite there!

    [16:04] #rlv repro: Send: @getinvworn:X3 Clit=100

    [16:04] #rlv repro: Return: |11,X3 clit (pelvis)|10

    -- fixed

    [16:04] #rlv repro: Send: @getinvworn:X3 clit (pelvis)=100

    [16:04] #rlv repro: Return:

    -- not fixed

  5. Alan Glover reporter

    I'm pleased to say this last symptom was a bug in my test script (it should have been requesting X3 Clit/X3 Clit (pelvis)

    The fix is good...

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