Review list of substitute names used for @shownames=n

Issue #45 resolved
Alan Glover created an issue

The viewer has a list of alternative names that it uses for avatars when @shownames=n is in effect.

One of these is "some people" which is plural rather than singular.

Please remove this one, and check the others for any other similar instances of plural naming for a singular entity.

Comments (7)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Why not... For my defence, I am not a native English speaker :p

    Yes I know, that's easy. It is true that "people" is plural, but I didn't have any other idea for original, non-derogatory names.

    Perhaps "Person A", "Person B"... "Person Z" would work better ? :p

  2. Alan Glover reporter


    What's the full, current list? With the advantage of being native English speaking, I should be able to propose at least as many as would be taken out by removing "people" variants. If you don't want to post it here, notecard it to me instead.

    (Personally, I'd prefer not using A-Z... it makes associating who's who a bit easier :-) )

  3. Alan Glover reporter

    This appears to be the current list...

    An unknown person Unidentified one An unknown being Mysterious one Someone Some people Somebody That soul This soul A soul That agent This agent An agent That human being This human being A human being That stranger This stranger A stranger That person This person A person That individual This individual An individual That resident This resident A resident

    So, if "Some people" comes out for reason of being plural, here are some suggestions that could go in...

    A/This/That/Mysterious presence, A/This/That/Mysterious entity, A/This/That/Mysterious visitor

  4. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Ah, you were faster than me... I like "Mysterious visitor" actually ! But it doesn't apply to every case (sometimes some people visit you, sometimes you visit them). Need... more... thinking...

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    A few more suggestions

    An/A/This/That etc in combination with

    Anonymous Hidden Veiled Secretive Nameless Unspecified Secret Shadowy

    entity/person/being etc

  6. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Ok, I have replaced "Some people" by "Anonymous one" (which works well along with "Mysterious one" and "Unidentified one").

    Fixed in 2.8.2

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