Another avatar sitting down while i am in mouselook resets *my* camera

Issue #52 resolved
Lance Corrimal created an issue

this was reported on my forum:

The user's mouselook camera will reset it's position if another avatar sits down on an object and they are nearby the user. The camera resets to the position used when the user first enters mouselook. Happens 100% of the time. I may post a video of the problem when I can.

Comments (3)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Just wow. I will look into this, I have an idea why it does this though :

    When you sit while in Mouselook mode with the official viewer (you can't, because of another limitation, but let's assume you can), your mouse movement becomes inverted ! Going up will make you look down and vice-versa. After a couple hours trying to find the cause, I gave up and wrote a small hack to overcome this, by making the viewer quit ML mode and then right back to it. It's lame, I know, and it probably is the reason for this bug.

  2. Lance Corrimal reporter

    yep, i believe so too, and i already have a patch. building right now, wanted to test it before i send you a pull request :)

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