Debug RenderResolutionDivisor broken

Issue #55 resolved
Former user created an issue

Not really a bug, just an observation.

This debug setting no longer has the same effect it had under version 1 viewers and is now to all intents and purposes useless, probably should be removed from the debug settings that can be changed from rlv.

Comments (8)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Umm it works fine for me, both in deferred and in forward rendering. Please make sure that you have Basic Shaders activated though, this debug setting has no effect when they are off.

  2. Marine Kelley repo owner

    I'm flagging it as Critical though, in case it is actually broken, because several products in SL use this debug setting to simulate blindness, and would be broken as well.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Odd, I just went in to check and it now seems to be giveing the expected results..

    I think this can be closed, unlees anyone else has had a problem.

    Sorry forget that, I can reproduce the problem, if you enable lighting and shadows it does not give the expected results.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    To clarify

    basic shaders disabled - nothing as expected.

    basic shaders enabled - nice blur or blindfold as expected

    lighting and shadows enabled - broken

    Can anyone confirm ?

  5. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Like I said it works well for me, both in forward rendering (basic & advanced shaders but no lighting and shadows) and deferred rendering (lighting & shadows). I have a nVidia, do you have an ATI ?

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