Avatar Z Offset widget should be clickable to reset the value to the default

Issue #57 resolved
Lance Corrimal created an issue

I would think it to be useful if the AvatarZOffset widget in the window status panel had an area to click on to reset the value to zero quickly.

Comments (4)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Good idea, I would like to have it too. I don't think one can click on a slider to reset it (or I would have to modify the slider control itself), but maybe a checkbox or a button next to it would do the trick.

  2. Lance Corrimal reporter

    I've poked the sources a bit, it could be done the same way that the click on your L$ balance requests a re-read... bind a click handler to the text field... and maybe the numeric field as well.

    then, do the same trick as LLFloaterSettingsDebug::onClickDefault()...

  3. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Binding a click handler on the text field is ok, but not intuitive for the user. A button is much clearer that it affords to be clicked. I have added an empty round button (empty because I never found a satisfying icon) on the right of the slider, both on the status bar and on the nav bar.

    Implemented in

  4. Lance Corrimal reporter

    I'm working on a redesign of the status bar, that will turn both the draw distance slider and the RLVOffsetZ slider into vertical flyout sliders like the volume slider. On the long run that'd be the better solution, the vertical ones just eat up too much room on smaller displays, its already PITA on 1280x800 0.o

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