Feature Request: Limited REGEXP capability for getstatus(all), notify and any other commands that take a match string

Issue #64 new
Alan Glover created an issue

I would like to propose that the match strings for getstatus(all), notify, and the new commands covered in other proposals recently gain a limited REGEXP capability.

By limited, I think the minimum would be anchor at start and anchor at end.

This would, for example, allow a seach string to specify "starts with tp" and thereby avoid getting @sittp/@standtp returned too.

A fuller version of REGEXP support would be better still :-)

There is the question of how to engage this new support to avoid unexpected handling of existing commands from existing scripts since there is a chance of conflict on some of the symbols used (notably where freeform #RLV folder names are involved). I propose there that a string intended for REGEXP handling begins with a tag that shouldn't ever occur now, eg !rx!

Alternatively, the safest way is new forms of each command where the search string is always treated as a REGEXP and existing commands are not changed at all.

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