Teleport resets "hover" parameter in one's shape back to 50

Issue #81 resolved
Lance Corrimal created an issue

I've noticed this issue:

When you use the "hover" value in your shape to adjust for outfits or avatar parts, it gets reset to 50 whenever you teleport to a new region.

This effectively breaks content, since the hover value can move the avatar way further up or down than RestrainedLoveAvatarOffsetZ can, and therefor is preferrable over it for some content.

Comments (4)

  1. Lance Corrimal reporter

    for the sake of the experiment I've backed out the three changes that implement the offset, and the resulting viewer does not break shapes on teleport anymore.

  2. Lance Corrimal reporter

    This one still reproduces: create a shape with hover != 50, put it on, teleport, and the hover is forced to 50, without even marking the shape as changed so you can't even go into the shape editor to click "undo"....

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