Mesh avatar feet deformation.

Issue #98 new
Nicky Perian created an issue

MAC-- Bad RLV, Kokua. Good SL viewer and Firestorm. This may be an issue with out of date library. Maybe FS updated theirs.

Comments (11)

  1. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Not that I know of. But there's a lot of stuff done on the appearance manager, simply because the vanilla one from LL doesn't work at all. Many bugs were corrected, including an automatic rebake when changing clothes. There are issues with alpha layers, sometimes, and someone mentioned issues with tiny shapes on RLV. I have no idea what to look into nor how to fix that, though, since I did not touch the skeleton at all. All that I do is automatically change the Hover parameter of the shape, automatically call a rebake and avoid re-loading all the clothes in the outfit whenever I change something, to save the user from a headache due to too much avatar bouncing (on the LL viewer, when you change a shirt, your avatar loses its shoes, then wears them again, it's slow and annoying).

  2. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Does it do the same with HTTP Inventory set to false ? You need to restart the viewer after changing that value (it's in Advanced, if I remember correctly, if not, then in Develop).

  3. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Also, what is the exact product they use, and can I get a demo of it ? I don't use mesh avatars at all, and I'm not sure I want to spend L$1000 just to test a bug.

  4. Marine Kelley repo owner

    I have bought the Avatar 2.0 mesh body from Utilizator Mode, and could not reproduce the bug either with HTTP Inventory set to true or false. Maybe that's not the right avatar. It would help to know what is the right product for this bug to test.

  5. Nicky Perian reporter

    because it happens on the Avatar of Utilizator I was asking him if he is aware of this behavior and he suggested to me using Firestorm. In his opinion it is a problem of the custom Joints on your and marines viewer. "[06:29] Utilizator Mode: looks like a problem with custom joints on those 2 viewers [06:29] Utilizator Mode: use firestorm [06:29] Utilizator Mode: it has built in rlv capability too if ur into that sort of stuff " Anna

  6. Marine Kelley repo owner

    Ok, I could reproduce it on Windows, RLV, with the Rikugou Lite avatar, just by wearing the left leg. Here is what I observed :

    • The foot looks like moved upwards, squishing the ankle, but does not lose its angle, exactly like on the pictures. It does look painful.
    • It does this no matter how many times I wear and unwear it.
    • The deformation occurs whether the leg is scripted or not.
    • After unwearing it, the system feet are ok, no deformation whatsoever.
    • The deformation does not appear on the leg if it is simply rezzed on the floor instead of worn.
    • Wearing Slink feet does not show any deformation, whether before or after wearing Rikugou Lite legs.
    • This does this also with HTTP Inventory set to FALSE in the Develop menu.

    I have no idea what causes this, because RLV does not use any fancy attachment point. Avatar_lad.xml and Avatar_skeleton.xml are identical between LL and RLV (except for a name change from "Avatar center" to "Root", but it is not a concern here), so that probably means that the issue lies in the source code. I have tested a few things in llagentwearables.cpp and llappearancemgr.cpp, with no result. I do not see what causes this bug at all and have very little time to put on the RLV right now, after spending nearly a month full-time on it, so do not expect a bug fix too soon, unless I am very lucky.

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