Bad minimum values reported when HdrHistorgramResetOnSnapshotReservoir lacks new data

Issue #4 resolved
Mike Walch created an issue

I started using HdrHistorgramResetOnSnapshotReservoir as my backing reservoir for a dropwizard metrics timer. It has been working great except I noticed bad minimum values being reported when the the reservoir has not received new data since its last report. I was able to reproduce the problem in a simple application (see the gist below for the code and results):

It looks like this problem goes away if you upgrade the version of HdrHistogram that is currently being used by 1.1.0 from 2.1.6 to 2.1.8.

Comments (5)

  1. Marshall Pierce repo owner

    I was unable to write a test that reproduced this issue, even when running your sample code (with the minor change of using a ConsoleReporter instead of CSV). However, I added a few tests anyway, and updated the HdrHistogram dependency. I'll release a new version with the updated dependency.

  2. Marshall Pierce repo owner

    When I click the "Maven Central" tab, nothing happens... perhaps they're having UI issues. Anyway, I encourage you to use jcenter instead... it's a superset of Maven Central, and in my experience has a faster CDN front-end.

  3. Marshall Pierce repo owner

    I tried again, and it failed Sonatype's validation.

    Last Sync Errors: Invalid POM: /org/mpierce/metrics/reservoir/hdrhistogram-metrics-reservoir/1.1.1/hdrhistogram-metrics-reservoir-1.1.1.pom: Project name missing, Project description missing, Project URL missing, License information missing, SCM URL missing, Developer information missing Dropping existing partial staging repository.

    It's not very interesting to me to spend my time fixing that stuff, so while you're welcome to submit a PR if you are sufficiently motivated, I'm going to stick with "just use jcenter and life is better for everyone". :)

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