Npcmaker of which 1st territory

Issue #29 resolved
Master Toma repo owner created an issue

for instance, for trader_harmony

territory_begin [19_21_1129_NPC06]  {{-14999;124380;-3266;-3066};{-14895;124370;-3266;-3066};{-14899;124615;-3266;-3066};{-15009;124618;-3266;-3066}}   territory_end       
npcmaker_begin  [19_21_1129_NPC06]              
npc_begin   [trader_harmony]    pos = {-14934;124468;-3114;61440}   total = 1   respawn = 1min  npc_end
npc_begin   [trader_varanket]   pos = {-14933;124540;-3115;4096}    total = 1   respawn = 1min  npc_end

Original bug. To be investigated

Comments (1)

  1. Master Toma reporter

    The problem is, that territory is too small for random spawn. This NPC has to be spawned at pre-defined position, bug in npcpos,txt

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