[L2Server/Auction]Wrong System Message in Auction system

Issue #47 resolved
Zconll created an issue

Auction agit show wrong system message ( You have already submitted a bid ) when pledge level isn't "2" or above, this is an original c1 error too..

4/09/2019 21:09:19.079, already auctioned. agitid(26) AgitHtml.cpp, 1069

System message in c1 client for auction npc:

msg_begin   id=673  group=[popup]   msg=[You do not have the authority to participate in an auction.]   msg_end
msg_begin   id=674  group=[popup]   msg=[It has not yet been seven days since canceling an auction.]    msg_end
msg_begin   id=675  group=[popup]   msg=[There are no clan halls up for auction.]   msg_end
msg_begin   id=676  group=[popup]   msg=[You have already submitted a bid.] msg_end
msg_begin   id=677  group=[popup]   msg=[Your bid price must be higher than the minimum price that can be bid.] msg_end
msg_begin   id=678  group=[popup]   msg=[You have submitted a bid in the auction of Clan hall.] msg_end
msg_begin   id=679  group=[popup]   msg=[You have canceled your bid.]   msg_end
msg_begin   id=680  group=[error]   msg=[You cannot participate in an auction.] msg_end
msg_begin   id=681  group=[error]   msg=[The clan does not own a clan hall.]    msg_end

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