[L2Npc]SpecialCamera function.

Issue #56 resolved
Zconll created an issue

This function is used for antaras animation when dragon is wake off. Show wrong animation (You only to see inside dragon.

//summon heart_of_warding //summon q_portal_stone_1 100

Modify AI (ai_boss04_antaras) timer from 10 minutes to 1 minute for dragon appears.

    EventHandler SCRIPT_EVENT(script_event_arg1, script_event_arg2) {
        if (myself.sm.db_value == 0) {
            AddTimerEx(1001, 10 * 60 * 1000);  --> AddTimerEx(1001, 1 * 60 * 1000);
            SetDBValue(myself.sm, 1);

Remember delete entry from db npc_boss each than you try this test.

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