[L2Server Original] Server crashed during startup

Issue #74 resolved
FoxMcloud created an issue

Add to npcdata those npcs:

npc_begin   warrior 27321   [brun_lizardman]    level=20    exp=835863  acquire_exp_rate=0  undying=0   can_be_attacked=1   acquire_sp=0    race=humanoid   sex=male    temper=100  safe_height=100 org_jump=15 skill_list={}   magic_list={}   max_item=50 item_make_list={}   corpse_make_list={} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={}   slot_chest=[]   slot_rhand=[trident]    slot_lhand=[]   base_attack_type=pole   base_can_penetrate=0    base_attack_range=80    base_damage_range={0;0;66;120}  base_rand_dam=30    str=40  int=21  dex=30  wit=20  con=43  men=10  hp_increase=0   mp_increase=0   org_hp_regen=13.43  org_mp_regen=3.09   ground_low={43;0;0} ground_high={130;0;0}   underwater_low={50;0;10}    underwater_high={0;0;30}    fly_low={0;0;10}    fly_high={0;-30;30} float_low={0;0;10}  float_high={0;-30;30}   org_earshot=100 sight={0;0;2500;120;5}  agro_range=1000 org_hp=342  org_mp=213  base_defend=95  base_magic_attack=113.16    base_magic_defend=62.64 base_physical_attack=40.04  physical_hit_modify=-3.75   physical_avoid_modify=0 base_attack_speed=267   base_reuse_delay=0  base_critical=4 magic_use_speed_modify=0    status={normal} align=-289  collision_radius=10 collision_height=23 category={} clan={} clan_help_range=300 guild={}    pledge={}   pledge_leader=0 alliance={} alliance_leader=0   ignore_clan_list={} ruler=0 ruling_domain={}    npc_ai={[brun_lizardman]}   corpse_time=7   no_sleep_mode=0 npc_end
npc_begin   warrior 27322   [picat_araneid] level=27    exp=2925251 acquire_exp_rate=0  undying=0   can_be_attacked=1   acquire_sp=0    race=bug    sex=male    temper=100  safe_height=100 org_jump=15 skill_list={}   magic_list={}   max_item=50 item_make_list={}   corpse_make_list={} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={}   slot_chest=[]   slot_rhand=[]   slot_lhand=[]   base_attack_type=fist   base_can_penetrate=0    base_attack_range=40    base_damage_range={0;0;80;120}  base_rand_dam=7 str=40  int=21  dex=30  wit=20  con=43  men=10  hp_increase=0   mp_increase=0   org_hp_regen=13.43  org_mp_regen=3.09   ground_low={72;0;0} ground_high={130;0;0}   underwater_low={50;0;10}    underwater_high={0;0;30}    fly_low={0;0;10}    fly_high={0;-30;30} float_low={0;0;10}  float_high={0;-30;30}   org_earshot=100 sight={0;0;2500;120;5}  agro_range=1000 org_hp=515  org_mp=245  base_defend=108.3   base_magic_attack=129.72    base_magic_defend=71.34 base_physical_attack=49.28  physical_hit_modify=-3.75   physical_avoid_modify=0 base_attack_speed=267   base_reuse_delay=0  base_critical=8 magic_use_speed_modify=0    status={normal} align=-2500 collision_radius=26 collision_height=25.5   category={} clan={} clan_help_range=300 guild={}    pledge={}   pledge_leader=0 alliance={} alliance_leader=0   ignore_clan_list={} ruler=0 ruling_domain={}    npc_ai={[picat_araneid]}    corpse_time=7   no_sleep_mode=0 npc_end

When server show loading petdata then server crashed.

I f you change npc ids from 27321 to 20321 and 27322 to 20322 then server load fine (not crahes).

Comments (5)

  1. Master Toma repo owner

    Call stack from original L2Server:

    void ListenThread_common() <-- 
    void LoadData(void) <-- 
    void CObjectDB::LoadNPC() <-- 
    parse <-- 
    [PARSER_NPC]assigns <-- 
    void CObjectDB::RegisterObject(CObject *pObj)

  2. Master Toma repo owner

    L2server crash relates with npcs clan relation, as i said yesterday changing npcs id from 27321 -> 20321 and 27322 -> 20322
    crash is missing but i discovered in the game when you attack some these npcs and some other npc (20321 or 2032") is in range (clan help range) ai handler "CLAN_ATTACKED" is enabled without have clan defined in npcdata boths npcs.
    Changed to others ids 15358 & 15359 and now work ai npc 100% So thare is some conflict with highest npc ids and npc clan relation.

  3. FoxMcloud reporter

    Patching in these offset you can change limit for item/npc script limit.

    static int MAX_ITEMS = 10000 //original value
    static int MAX_NPCS = 1015000 //original value

    WriteMemory32(0x005b2f11, (DWORD)MAX_ITEMS);
    WriteMemory32(0x005b2f41, (DWORD)MAX_NPCS);

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