Does not parse xml results when creating with ctest under windows

Issue #2 duplicate
Eugen Mayer created an issue

It seems like ctest under windows creates XML files, which are not able to get parsed. OSX/Linux are working flawlessly ( same ctests ).

Any ideas?

Comments (11)

  1. Eugen Mayer reporter

    Please remind me in a week to attach the "broken" xml. More or less it rather seems there are special characters somewhere.

    For now, we use a XSL to transform the xml to junits format, which works perfect. To be honest that seems to make the most sense also for your plugin.


  2. Eugen Mayer reporter

    Hi, just to inform you, its now broken under OSX with QT5.5 also - we are moving over to junit with the xslt transformation.

  3. Mathieu MARACHE

    CMake has refactored the way they were producing xml report with the release of 3.3.0, I suspect you are using a recent version of CMake. I'm also building Qt5.5 with bamboo and I'm pretty sure they don't use CMake so this plugin wouldn't be of any use... Maybe you could share some light on what exactly is broken then ?

  4. Eugen Mayer reporter

    we are not building QT5.5 sorry, we are building an application with cmake, qt is a lib.

    But you busted the myth anyway, its nothing related to QT (event though it happend on the QT5.5 upgrade) we basically "accidently" upgraded CMAKE, and that has resulted into this issue.

  5. Eugen Mayer reporter

    We are not using it anymore, since using junit with the xsl seems to be a (long term) more robust way and does not require a plugin. I would suggest that xslt would also be the best way to handle your case here - its maintained in jenkins

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