This app couldn't be loaded. It has one or more errors that prevent it from being enabled.

Issue #5 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hey there,

we've got a problem with the ctest-plugin for bamboo (see title).

In the log files there is something like this: 2018-07-27 06:50:30,039 ERROR [UpmAsynchronousTaskManager:thread-2] [ScanningPluginLoader] Unable to deploy plugin 'fr.cstb.bamboo.plugins.ctest.bamboo-ctest-plugin' from 'Unit: /home/bamboo/data/plugins/plugin_9036109686050242775_bamboo-ctest-plugin-0.5.3.jar (1532674230000)'.

We are using bamboo in Version 6.2.2

We also tried to delete and re-upload des jar-archive, but that changed nothing.

Thank you in advance.

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