Slack Notifications for Bamboo Compatibility

Issue #79 resolved
Michael Raynor created an issue


We have received a security notice from Atlassian regarding a vulnerability which requires us to upgrade Bamboo Server to version 8.0.4.

Upon doing the pre-flight checks for the upgrade, the Slack Notifications for Bamboo shows that it is only marked as being compatible up to Bamboo Server 7.2.6.

Would it be possible to let us know if there are imminent plans for the plugin to be compatible with Bamboo 8.0.4 so we can proceed with the upgrade and patching the security vulnerabilities?

Thanks for your help!


Michael Raynor (he/him)
System Administrator

Sydney Opera House 
Bennelong Point
GPO Box 4274 Sydney NSW 2001

T +61 02 9250 7265

Comments (2)

  1. Mathieu MARACHE repo owner

    Hi Michael,

    There are definitely plans to do so. A PR was proposed and accepted just recently.

    My CI build is broken and need to fix it asap to produce the wanted artefact for the Atlassian marketplace.

    This will be my objective for next week.

    Cheers to you too !


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