[FREECAM]Wrapper.getPlayer().motion(x,y,z) = (double); moves the player and freecam

Issue #17 new
PintsizedSix40 created an issue

I cant report this bug on the freecam repo, so I'm reporting it here. This is move of a bug for making plugins, not using the built in ones, but if your using "Wrapper.getPlayer().motion(x,y,z) = (double);", Freecam will move too (ex. You are moving up and sticking to a roof, you turn on freecam and you start moving up in freecam, but your player is still moving up.) This is not that big of an issue, because its part of coding a plugin, but it could be annoying if you want to freecam while moving/sticking to a roof. Thanks, PintsizedSix40

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