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Card Editor / Documents / GlyphSets / GlyphSets

Glyph Sets

A Glyph Set is a Document that maps a Glyph name to an image, which can then be used within a card's text. To create a Glyph Set, click the Add Document button in the Workspace View and select "Glyph Set".

Glyph Set View

In the Glyph Set View, we have:

  1. Add and Remove Glyph buttons
  2. Glyph Set grid

Glyph Set view

Add Glyph button

The Add Glyph button allows you to add a Glyph to the Glyph Set. When clicked, Card Editor will prompt you to enter the new Glyph's name.

Getting the new Glyph's name

Glyph names must be unique in the Workspace, even between multiple Glyph Sets, and Card Editor will let you know if you try to add a duplicate Glyph.

Remove Glyph button

The Remove Glyph button removes the currently selected Glyph from the Glyph Set. This button is only enabled if a Glyph in the Glyph Set is selected. You can also use the delete key when a Glyph is selected to remove it.

Glyph Set Grid

Each row of the Glyph Set grid holds the data for a Glyph, in 3 columns. You can click and drag rows of the grid to re-order the Glyphs.

Id Column

The first column is the Glyph's Id. Cells in this column are not editable, but double-clicking it will prompt you to enter a new Id.

Filepath Column

The second column is the filepath to Glyph's image file. This path is relative to the Root Folder, so you do not need to type out the full path on disk (e.g. C:\someImage.png) and you can use parent folder tokens (../). You can type in the path manually or click the adjacent button to browse for the file. Allowable file types are .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .tiff.

Image Column

The third column is the Glyph image preview. It cannot be edited, but will automatically display the image indicated by the filepath, if it points to a valid file.

Creating Glyph Images

When creating images to use as Glyphs, it is important to consider the text where it will be embedded. When embedding Glyphs, Card Editor will resize the Glyph to match the line height of the text, so the image file should match based on the desired output resolution. Line height is measured in inches and resolution is measured in Pixels Per Inch (PPI), so the calculations are straightforward:

Line height (inches) * Resolution (pixels/inch) = Ideal glyph height (pixels)

For example, if a line of text were 1/8" tall and we wanted to output cards for print at 300 PPI, our glyphs should be:

.125 inches * 300 pixels/inch = 37.5 pixels tall

Card Editor rounds this up, so our ideal image height is 38 pixels tall. Card Editor will maintain the aspect ratio of Glyph images, and center them within their embedded text.
