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JAID / DeveloperManual

JAID Developer Manual

Clone the JAID project

The source code of JAID is hosted in a Git repository on Make a clone of the project using one the following commands, where $JAID_DIR$ is a directory on your local machine:

  • git clone $JAID_DIR$

  • git clone $JAID_DIR$

Open and compile the JAID project in IntelliJ IDEA

To open the JAID project in the IntelliJ IDEA IDE, go to File/Open, navigate to $JAID_DIR$, select jaid.iml, and clike on OK.

The project assumes that a Java SDK, named JAID_JDK, of version 1.8 or later has been configured in the IDE. You could add this SDK at File/Project Structures/Project Settings/Project/Project SDK. Once the SDK has been properly configered, you should be able to compile JAID with no problem.

Run/Debug JAID within IntelliJ IDEA

Refer to IntelliJ IDEA's documentation for configuring command line arguments for JAID. See the JAID user manual for the list of supported command line arguments.

An example faulty project is provided in folder $JAID_DIR$/example for demonstration. To run/debug JAID on the project, you need to modify $JAID_DIR$/example/ to match the local settings on your machine and refer to the figure below to add a configuration:

Run/Debug configuration for JAID-fixing the example fault.

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