Creation of Lifeline: Available choice lacks paramters of calling messages in certain cases

Issue #149 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

When a new lifeline is created and the choice of valid objects (that the lifeline can represent) is gathered, in certain cases the parameters of a receiving message are not presented.

The receiving message is usually the initial message that is defined. However, if a message is defined in the definition of another message (i.e., the behaviour of a message call is specified in the same message view), the receiving message is a different one.

Furthermore, receiving messages should also be properly detected when dealing with combined fragments (possible nested). I think, a recursive approach is necessary in this case.

Comments (2)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    This refers to issue #153. Once the local properties are moved and the functionality is there to find the calling message it should not be a problem anymore to find it out.

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