Woven RAM Model Produces "#;" in the generated source

Issue #199 duplicate
Calem Bendell created an issue

The attached woven RAM model produces some lines with "#;" at the end of a statement in the source code. They have to be edited out to make useful code.

Not sure why this happens! Would be happy to fix it if somebody could point me in the right direction.

Comments (4)

  1. Matthias Schoettle

    I just generated code for your attached model and I get two Java classes with no "#;" in them. Can you try generating code again?

  2. Calem Bendell reporter

    Tried again. Still get hashtags. Previously I thought this would be a Java1.8 error, but I'm not running on JDK1.7 and everything else default installed.

  3. Matthias Schoettle

    Can you post an example line that contains the hashtag?

    And which version of Eclipse are you using? Which version of Acceleo?

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