Repercussions of Reuse Error: Cannot Rename Features

Issue #223 invalid
Calem Bendell created an issue

Seemingly a repercussion of the reuse error in Issue #222, the features in the minueto-for-games.core can no longer be renamed in this snapshot:

There are no associated error messages.

Comments (5)

  1. Calem Bendell reporter

    The latest edition of the MinuetoConcern in origin/minueto has this error at push + acdb241...d9ac503 minueto -> minueto.

    The error occurred without any previous reuse errors or other problems.

  2. Calem Bendell reporter

    Note that this error seemingly makes it impossible to add any new features to SingleEventQueue without messing with the xml.

  3. Matthias Schoettle

    I tried both the mentioned d9ac503 commit and the one after (HEAD on minueto). Between the two commits the feature model looks quite different, but both times I could create a child feature to the single event queue feature. Is this problem gone or how exactly can I reproduce it?

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