Regex crashes rather than failing gracefully

Issue #262 invalid
Calem Bendell created an issue
Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.IllegalStateException: No match found
    at Source)

Error occurs when making regex errors for a function name input. My instance of error was + void renderFrame())

Better result may be graceful failure.

Comments (4)

  1. Matthias Schoettle

    Can you give ~5 more calls of the stack trace, please? The information about where the call was made from is missing :)

  2. Calem Bendell reporter
    Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.IllegalStateException: No match found
        at Source)
        at ca.mcgill.ram.ui.handler.impl.ClassViewHandler.getParameter(
        at ca.mcgill.ram.ui.handler.impl.ClassViewHandler.getParameters(
        at ca.mcgill.ram.ui.handler.impl.ClassViewHandler.createOperation(
        at ca.mcgill.ram.ui.handler.impl.ClassViewHandler.access$1(
        at ca.mcgill.ram.ui.handler.impl.ClassViewHandler$2.verifyKeyboardDismissed(
        at ca.mcgill.ram.ui.components.RamKeyboard.dimissKeyboard(
        at ca.mcgill.ram.ui.components.RamTextComponent.appendCharByUnicode(
        at ca.mcgill.ram.ui.components.RamKeyboard.keyPressed(
        at ca.mcgill.ram.ui.components.RamKeyboard.keyPressed(
  3. Matthias Schoettle

    This issue is already fixed (#93).

    Your branch is behind. Once you update it to the current state it will work :)

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