UX on reuse with reexposing

Issue #307 wontfix
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Currently, when reusing a concern and pressing "Reuse", all features highlighted in yellow will be reexposed.

If a user, however, wants to just make a selection without reexposing anything, the user would have to tap-and-hold on every single feature to prevent that.

Therefore, it would be great to have either a confirmation on pressing "Reuse" or a button to deselect (no reexposing) all non-selected features.

Comments (3)

  1. Jörg Kienzle

    I disagree with that. IMHO, if there is no reason to not reexpose, one should always reexpose :) If we agree on that, then the tool should propose the "best" choice to the user (which would be to reexpose everything possible). If the user for some reason does not want to do this, he must "do the work", and make a concious decision for each individual child feature that he does not want to reexpose. (The grandchildren are anyhow automatically de-reexposed if a parent is de-reexposed, I think).

  2. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Okay, if that is the philosophy :)

    In my case I was manually reusing Association and only wanted a leaf feature, none of the optional children of the root. For that I have to "do the work" :)

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