Create tags for releases

Issue #38 resolved
Matthias Schoettle created an issue

Every release should be tagged in order to be able to checkout the state of a certain release.

Comments (1)

  1. Matthias Schoettle reporter

    Created a tag for the current version (2.2.1).

    Using Git:

    • Make sure you are on the master branch and the correct commit (that you want to tag)
    • git -a vX.X.X -m "<your message>" (e.g., "Created a new release version.")
    • git push --tags (to push all tags)


    Using EGit (in Eclipse):

    • Make sure you are on the master branch
    • Go to the Git Repository Perspective
    • Under the repository -> Tags: Right-click and select Create Tag
    • Enter a tag name (vX.X.X) and a commit message (see above)
    • Right-click on the tag and select Push Tag
    • The proper origin should be pre-selected, click Next
    • type in refs/tags/<nameOfYourTag>


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