Addon stopped working after Firefox 39 (or 40)

Issue #11 resolved
Ricardo Constantino created an issue

Not sure if the addon itself or just the icon is missing, but it somewhere between 39 and 40 (Dev Edition) the icon went missing.

Tried uninstalling and installing and with a fresh profile and nothing.

Still working in beta (v38).

Comments (7)

  1. Michael K. repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I installed the latest developer edition and can confirm the problem.

    After some searching this might be related to the recently introduced signing requirements for add-ons. So I uploaded a new version using the latest SDK. This should be automatically signed and if I am lucky this solves the problem...

  2. Ricardo Constantino reporter

    It still didn't work for me so I decided to learn a bit of javascript and jetpack'ing and reworked it to use ui/button/action, since I noticed widgets is deprecated and it could be because of that:

    Is it ok that I licensed it MIT? I think I changed enough to consider it mine, but it's still obviously based on your code, so I can change it to GPL if you want.

  3. Michael K. repo owner

    I looked at your code and saw that there finally is a badge for buttons. When the announcement about deprecating the widgets went out this was not there yet. That's why I did not change my code at that time. But I guess now it is time to revisit.

    I'm not an expert with licenses so that's fine with me.

  4. Ricardo Constantino reporter

    It's a pity that they dropped support for right-clicking to refresh though. Only left-clicks are recognized now, at least with action/toggle buttons.

  5. Michael K. repo owner

    By the way, it's Firefox 40 which removed the widget. An update of the addon is in the works.

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