doesn't display unread count

Issue #5 resolved
Nils G created an issue


I just installed ttrss-watcher, but it doesn't work for me. I am running tt-rss in single user mode on a .htaccess-restricted (basic auth) https connection. I don't know how to specify the basic auth user credentials in ttrss-watcher and ttrss-watcher doesn't work (gives no error at all). If I can provide any debug information please let me know.

Comments (8)

  1. Michael K. repo owner

    Well, .htaccess-restricted access is definetly not supported at the moment. I have to look into that to understand if/how this could be supported.

  2. Michael K. repo owner

    So after first searching on the issue I think this might work right away if you define the URL as

  3. Nils G reporter

    Yes this is working, although this workaround implies the use of http instead of https and is therefore insecure. User credentials can be easilly be sniffed on a public network this way. If I use https instead it still doesn't work. Maybe https is the problem?

  4. Michael K. repo owner

    Well, it actually can't work if you really get "3:3" with a colon between the two digits. The add-on tries to split on a semicolon so it should be "3;3". Other than that I also don't have a clue what could cause the addon to fail. Basically it just builds the url, posts the request, and parses the result. So unless any problem with authentication or certificates or whatever occurs things should work fine. You could perhaps check and see if there's anything in the error console.

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