MBS-6058: Rewrite subscription system to have proper foreign keys

#76 · Created  · Last updated


This pull request comes out of trying to solve MBS-6058, and has sadly turned into a little bit more work than originally envisioned. First, a synopsis of the problem.

HumHumXx observes that his subscriptions page indicates that he is subscribed to 7 artists, yet viewing his artist subscriptions shows the contradictory statement "no subscriptions". According to the database, HumHumXx does indeed have 7 subscriptions - subscriptions to artists who no longer exist! The editor_subscribe_artist.artist column points no where, yet deleted_by_edit and merged_by_edit are both 0, indicating that the subscription should still be valid.

Naturally, having this impossible data represented in our database was not something I was happy about, so I've come up with a slightly alternative design which I think captures what we want more elegantly.

Schema changes

Active subscriptions

Active subscriptions have a true foreign key constraint against the entity that the subscription points to. These are captured by the editor_subscribe_artist/_label tables, as before. The last_edit_sent attribute now also has a foreign key constraint. We don't delete edits, and I think we didn't have this because this data used to be in a different database.

Deleted subscriptions

A subscription is deleted if it was once active, but the entity that it referred to has been deleted, but a subscription digest has not been sent to that editor. A deleted subscription consists of the editor who held the subscription, along with the MBID that the subscription was for. This is a foreign key into the new artist_/label_deleted tables, which loosely captures the name and disambiguation comment for the entity. This could be ommited, but it seemed nice to have.

Thus, a deleted subscription must refer to an entity that is deleted.

Code changes

There was a fair bit of cruft in the subscription system, so I've factored out duplication where best I could. The main changes are mostly to do the deletion logging and deal with the new subscription tables. I got rid of the deleted_by_edit and merged_by_edit in favour of a single edit reference, as we can make use of the status information to determine why an entity was deleted.

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