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Current NMQual version

  • This version supports NONMEM 7.2 and 7.3 with both Intel Fortran and gfortran using additional *gf.xml scripts in the installation directories.
  • MD5 Checksum: 04c17dd51e03fb8c1b219506f7e324f3


nmqual.366.367.diff illustrates non-filename differences between NMQual 8.2.7 and NMQual 8.3.0.

  • nmqual.366.367.diff illustrates non-filename differences between NMQual 8.2.7 and NMQual 8.3.0. 8.2.7 corresponds to revision 363. The only differences between 363 and 366 are the renaming of files from 72 to 73 where appropriate.
  • SHA1 Checksum: e6883e80d2dbb3686febaa6076e1b80c02a739f9

NMQual 8.3.0 has minor template tweaks to support NONMEM 7.3. Experimental.

  • NMQual 8.3.0 has minor template tweaks to support NONMEM 7.3. I migrated seven NONMEM-version-specific filenames from their 72 versions to their 73 counterparts at repository revision 366. At revision 367, I adjusted 72 references to 73 within the files, and implemented changes introduced in the NONMEM73 code base where appropriate. See nmqual.366-367.diff.The nix version works well as adjusted. I tested it using the 'regress' mode of the configuration, finding no meaningful differences for the output of tests 3 through 8. Note, however, that the patch for nmfe73 may not work as expected. Independent compile and execute operations may not be supported. The win version has not been tested. Comments are welcome.
  • SHA1 Checksum: 9ad5fd0b6e183be9465bbe06b83cfbd5e9e542b9

NMQual 8.2.7 uses .pnm instead of .pmn.

NMQual 8.2.6 uses .pnm instead of .pmn.

  • NMQual 8.2.6, in the file nix/nm72.xml ('para' interface) replaces .pmn with .pnm for conformity with historical precedent. NMQual 8.2.5 and earlier are compatible with metrumrg 5.26 and earlier. NMQual 8.2.6 and later are compatible with metrumrg 5.27 and later.
  • SHA1 Checksum: 9df20d558c85aa1fc356fbfeb2eb0185a3aa8a0d

NMQual 8.2.5 has improved compiler optimization.

  • NMQual 8.2.5 correctly implements ifort's static option for floating point math. In previous versions, the request was malformed and silently ignored. This is an attempt to promote cross-platform reproducibility, following . The example configuration nix/nm72.xml cites the first 5 lines of util/nmfe72, explicitly capturing compiler options. Initial estimate of theta 8 in test 8 has been changed from 1.3 to 1.5 to achieve convergence under stricter compile options. Test 8 replaces example 5 in the 'regress' battery of control tests.
  • SHA1 Checksum: 10c417899ba7ce83ad4851195db603e13c268390

NMQual 8.2.4 has native PsN reference output.

  • NMQual 8.2.4 adds psn/doc/psn.xml, natively prepared in a standard environment. Additionally, Intel fortran version information is captured to file rather than console.
  • SHA1 Checksum: 15aa954f45e2150e8611123acebddcb9aa36ddf0

NMQual 8.2.3 has better support for qualifying PsN.

  • NMQual 8.2.3 has a much improved version of that handles quoted strings correctly. There is also a script that converts bootstra_results.csv to true csv, one section at a time.
  • SHA1 Checksum: 1603bf4108a56c3d689f3ac3bd190860ca81fc10

NMQual 8.2.2 includes support for testing PsN.

NMQual 8.2.1 has an improved version of doc/nix/qualify.xml.

  • NMQual 8.2.1 has an improved version of doc/nix/qualify.xml. The original had separate top-level elements for old style and new style metadata. The current version has only the new style metadata.
  • SHA1 Checksum: 9999fd55248db7d8c4e6f2795d41a05575b1b8de

NMQual 8.2.0 contains new features and tools.

  • NMQual 8.2.0 has modifications to in a config file, the reserved sequence $0 is taken as the name of the script itself. The sequence $_0 is the supplied path to the configuration file. The example Linux configuration (nix/nm72.xml) makes use of $0 and $_0. Additionally, the patches for both win and nix have been modified to allow rather than require the run-splitting argument. Furthermore, constitutive metadata has been encapsulated as a mode, and electively included in all/most other modes. The directory 'con' has been added. Similar to 'com' (compare), it contrasts two xml documents. However, instead of pre-specified comparisons, it externalizes the choice of elements to compare, as well as the style of the comparison. generates an xml stream that may be styled with xslt.
  • SHA1 Checksum: 26843852ea8e09be7033a9315a0d7bc7f383d89a

NMQual 8.1.6 includes experimental support for comparison of qualification results.

  • NMQual 8.1.6 has a directory "com" with tools and a configuration supporting a "compare" mode. Includes major contributions from Julia Ivashina (Merck). @285.
  • SHA1 Checksum: 9b1f260f13d722cb75f1d6d023d6548b15c0bf45

Steve Chapel's MinGW with gfortran 4.5.2 (original:

NMQual 8.1.5 includes includes reference output for Linux and Windows.

  • NMQual 8.1.5 has been tested on Linux and Windows. The NMQual_8 wiki page has been updated to reflect new directory structure. Reference installation logs and qualification test results are included in the "doc" directory. The pretty-print function for XML output has been expanded to handle comments more appropriately. Also, do elements in output now retain their in attributes, if any.
  • SHA1 Checksum: 22dca621ade869f4d71634d03553a8a6bab874a0

NMQual 8.1.4 supports Unix-likes and Windows

  • NMQual 8.1.4 is a feature-complete version that has been tested with some success on both Linux and Windows. See nm72.nix.xml and Default installations implement Intel Fortran compiler options to support cross-platform reproducibility.
  • SHA1 Checksum: b5828b09f43f2f778283f557486f7e8f0aca0fc7

NMQual 8.0.2 has a more robust patch for nmfe72.

  • was sensitive to the path of the install directory, and had a moot difference that could not be successfully implemented. replaces
  • SHA1 Checksum: 91c6c558fc3690891fb2487f3bee79f191c7f5d9

NMQual 8.0.0 is the first official release of NMQual 8.

Steve Chapel's gfortran for Windows implementation; see related:

NMQual 7.1.0 addresses an NMQual bug and a NONMEM 6 bug.

NMQual 7.0.2 contains minor additional comments and corrections.

NMQual 7.0.1 includes minor additional comments and some corrections to config.template.xml.

Tested configuration files for various platforms and compilers.

NMQual 7.0.0 (beta) supports NONMEM 7 and is back-compatible with NONMEM 6.

NMQual 6.4.2 fixes a minor bug and improves templates.

Steve Chapel's g77 3.4.5 for Windows ( unzip and add 'bin' dir to path.


Steve Chapel's script for creating g77 3.4.5 on Windows


NMQual Training Course Slides

NMQual 6.4.1 gives more advice about the Intel compiler in config.template.xml.

NMQual 6.4.0 addresses NMQual issue 3.

Value-added g77 distribution for Windows.

NMQual 6.3.2 addresses NONMEM 6.2.0 Bug Alert # 1.

NMQual 6.3.1 includes an integrated acceptance mechanism.

NMQual 6.3.0 supports NONMEM 6.2.0.
