entering very small values

Issue #11 closed
Gambhiro Bhikkhu created an issue

I'd like to recommend to either not limit the number input field's value or allow values down to 1e-9 for example. That should be small enough.

For example C-91's Coccineus has an 1e-5 value for a parameter. When the flame is created by pasting the xml from clipboard, it renders as expected.

But if I modify the zcone="1E-005" value using the editor, the smallest value I can enter is 1e-4, and in the case of this variation, it affects the result quite a bit.

To test, try it out from the params xml posted there:


Comments (7)

  1. Gambhiro Bhikkhu reporter

    Correction: I take back the "affects the result quite a bit" part. I've just tried to reproduce it and I don't see the change I remember.

    Nonetheless, another effect on the same issue:

    On xform number 2 (with weight 5.0), the variation list doesn't list the zcone on top in grey with the other variations that have non-zero value. If I filter for zcone it does show up though.

    I realise it would be not so good to show a lot of zeros in UI, but still it is a bit odd that one can't enter a value below 0.0001.

    Can Qt display values in scientific notation for field values?

    And can it take scientific notation as input? I notice the field input currently filters for only digits and the dot.

  2. Matt Feemster repo owner

    I have just committed a fix that I believe will do what you want:

    -Only shows the required number of decimals in the variation spinboxes. -Accepts scientific notation.

    Please update, build and let me know if this works for you.

  3. Gambhiro Bhikkhu reporter

    Many thanks! Sci notation works great, and the UI is more clean without the extra zeros.

    There is some complication though:

    When I enter 0.001 or less, 0.0001, the value resets to zero.

    Entering 1e-3 or 1e-4 does accept the value.

    Also, after the value is entered, when I select another xform (say, number 1) with the dropdown menu, then select xform number 2 again, the value is shown as 0 again, and the variation is not greyed out.

    I'm making these changes to zcone although that shouldn't matter.

  4. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Good catch. Try it again, I think I have it fixed.

    Note that I had to cap it at 7 decimals (which should be plenty). For values more precise than that, use sci notation.

    Let me know if this works well enough for you.

  5. Gambhiro Bhikkhu reporter

    Debugging UI is sometimes so frustrating, with so many states that it can be in.

    Everything fixed, thank you!

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