How would I compile standalone CLI versions of emberrender etc.?

Issue #14 resolved
Former user created an issue


Do I correctly gather from recent comments on issues that this is the active repository for development of this project? I wonder because I've found it over here at GitHub as well, started from what seems an older code snapshot:

--at which I've seen one "mfeemster" (you, Matt?) comment on some issues, but you aren't the repo owner there. Was that over there forked from a GitHub repo you've since deleted (I think I'd seen a fractorium repo at GitHub in your name in previous years)?

Comments (9)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    This is the active repo for Fractorium, gh2k was a developer who helped me briefly on some parts.

    I am the lead developer on this project.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter


    I suppose rather than opening another "question" issue, I'll just edit this and continue with the question I really want to ask :) [The subject of this issue had been: "where is the active repo for this project?"]

    How would I go about building standalone CLI versions of emberrender, embergenome, and emberanimate for Mac, with either all .dylib dependencies compiled in or those dependencies set up in the same folder?

    If from Mac Finder I do "show package contents" for, and copy those contents out to their own directory, I can use emberrender ok (that I've tested), but it requires dependencies in this specific ../Frameworks folder structure, which to me is cumbersome for archiving/using as a CLI tool, and I'd prefer what I described.


  3. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Hi Alex. So I'm not really sure what the point/purpose of what you want to do is? Fractorium already comes with an installer for Mac. Are you saying that if you go into the installation folder and try to run any of the command line tools, they do not work? If so, that's more of a bug that needs to be resolved.

    I actually only handle the Windows and Linux builds, because I do not own an Apple machine. I have someone else make the Apple build every time I release.

    Please email me at and we can discuss further. I can put you in touch with him if needed.

  4. Former user Account Deleted reporter


    I've written some scripts that mass generate and/or crossbreed fractal flames. They make use of the command-line interface builds on windows and (insofar as I've gotten them to work) on Mac. As I write this the scripts . . . may need work :)

    I get varying successes or failures for example invoking embergenome if I include it in Mac's $PATH from Applications/ In fact it seems inconsistent even with the same command twice in the same environment.

    I may file detailed issues; meanwhile I consider these questions closed.

  5. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Questions answered and I know where to file / contact for detailed issues/questions.

  6. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Ok. Running twice with the same input and one failing vs. the other succeeding is definitely bad behavior. It should be the same every time. Let's get this resolved once you narrow in on a reproducible set of steps.

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