Feature request: 3d mouse movement

Issue #35 closed
Former user created an issue

Currently, click/drag with the mouse rotates and zooms on the flame. I'm hoping for a modifier that would make click/drag change pitch and yaw.

Comments (19)

  1. Eric Wolf

    When you hold the right mouse button in the frame and move it around, the “Scale” and “rotate” parameters will be changed according to the mouse movement. What I’m looking for is a modifier (mouse 4 or hold shift+right mouse or similar) to change the “pitch” and “yaw” parameters based on the mouse movement.

  2. Eric Wolf

    Lately I've been booting into windows but I also use Linux (Ubuntu), and very occasionally Mac (but my MacBook doesn't have a GPU, so it's not super useful to me)

  3. Eric Wolf

    Michel- I’m not near my main computer this week, but I’m excited to test it out when I get home on Monday. Thank you for implementing!

  4. Michel Mastriani

    you’re welcome! I’ve updated the file just now, but you can use the same link. I think now it’s more coherent. I tested on C-91_9 example and I think the feature will be very useful. Have a nice weekend. Thanks!

  5. Eric Wolf

    Finally had a chance to test it. It works very well!

    It does leave me wanting to be able to change the z-position as well, perhaps shift+alt+scroll?

  6. Eric Wolf

    After playing around with this for another couple days, something that can get confusing is changing the pitch while rotation is set to 90 deg; The pitch goes left-right instead of up-down, yet moving the mouse up-down still changes pitch. Not sure how this could be fixed or if it can be, but just thought I’d mention it.

  7. Michel Mastriani

    well, I understand what is happening Eric, but thinking about it, may be complicated to solve. We can think about rotation field, but and the entire fractal? Perhaps the fractal is rotated not by the field, but by its affines. It’ll be necessary to think more about it! Thanks!

  8. Matt Feemster repo owner

    You are seeing why we never implemented this. Even seemingly small changes can quickly expand into being a much larger effort.

  9. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Having seen no activity here for a few months, I’m going to mark this as resolved and close it.

  10. Eric Wolf

    Yeah. I didn't have the option to close it myself. Is the build posted above incorporated into the download on the main site?

  11. Matt Feemster repo owner

    No, we have not released yet. We were fixing a few more bugs first. We’ll probably release sometime early next year. The version will be

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