White background

Issue #39 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi, i was using flam3 for a while, and created some stuff with both standard black background, as well as white background (i simply changed this in the template file). Now i changed to ember, espacially for GPU speed up, and while the black background still looks nice, with the white background the borders look really strange. It seems that something was optimzed towards nice borders against black, is there any way to have that as well working for white background?

Cheers, Arno

Comments (10)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Thanks for posting this,.

    First, can you please log in, it helps me track who has submitted tickets so I know whether I’m talking to the same person across multiple tickets or not. Right now, it only says “Former user” for your name.

    Second, can you please provide me the flame parameter file as well as the output images from both programs? That will help me troubleshoot.

    As far as I can remember, I didn’t change anything that would lead to different outputs on white backgrounds.

    Last, are you new to the program? How long have you been using it?

  2. Arno Waschk

    Hi, i am the “Former User” (why that name?), i have been using ember for more than a year, and now for the first time tried again to rerender old stuff which has white background. I ditched good old flam3 in the meanwhile so i need to dig out that and a good example, so in the meanwhile i am afraid you need to trust my info. Of course i know that this is not too much, give i trust you that you did not change anything on purpose. Having said this i just discovered that flam3_compat switch. I will try it althoguh at the first glance i am not dealing with the variations the docs mention for it. So gibt me some days please.

  3. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Thanks for the info.

    I need you to provide the example flame parameter file otherwise I can’t troubleshoot this issue.

  4. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Any update on this? If it is indeed a bug, I’d like to get it fixed. But I can’t do that until you provide me the flame parameter file.

  5. Arno Waschk

    Sorry, i got swallowed by covid-related professional work. I could not further investigate in this, and i fear i might have been disturbed by artifacts in low quality rendering. So better not assume a bug on your side yet 🙂

    But: when i try to open a file with background “255 255 255”, in fractorium UI it opens with black background, and no way to change it via UI. Is that a bug?

  6. Arno Waschk

    This is not possible any more. I was able to use that before, and i still can on another machine under 20.04. Possible qt issues, though?

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