Weird Colors in Animations

Issue #44 closed
Eric Wolf created an issue

Sometimes when I try to render animations I get weird colors. I’ve only changed one parameter (opacity of the second transform) but the blend frames all end up like this example: (there isn’t supposed to be that green patch in the middle). Am I doing something incorrectly?

Comments (5)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Funny you mention that, another user recently reported this. It turns out I was interpolating the color curves wrong when producing the animation sequence. Can you please download the zipped folder from here:

    and run fractorium from there, and try to generate your sequence again and see if the color problem is fixed? From my previous testing with the other user, I believe it should be fixed. But please confirm for me that it is indeed fixed for your specific case. Thanks.

  2. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Ok great. Going to mark this as closed and it’ll be in the next release, which should be soon.

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