Fractorium suddenly crashing when clicking "render"

Issue #45 closed
Eric Wolf created an issue

To start off, I don’t think this is an issue with Fractorium itself, but rather with my computer. Whenever I try to click “render”, Fractorium crashes. I’m looking for a way to read any log files that might indicate why this is happening, and hopefully point me in the direction of fixing it.

Comments (11)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    I need more information.

    I assume you are running the latest,

    Is it crashing when running with both the cpu and gpu?

    When you say click “render”, what do you mean? There is a button on the toolbar that says “final render”, then within that window there is a button that says “start”.

    Or are you talking about the “render” button in the sequence generator area?

    Have you tried deleting your fractorium.ini file in the install folder and running again?

    Is this happening with every flame you try, or only one/some of them?

    Please provide clarity.

  2. Eric Wolf reporter

    Thanks for the quick response-

    I just installed the latest version after the issue started (I had been using one of the preview versions you provided me earlier for feedback on another issue). I click ‘render’ in the sequence generator area and it crashes. It works fine up until that point.

    I have no tried switching to CPU, nor have I deleted the fractorium.ini file. I will try those now.

    It happens with every flame I try, including just running the program, having a random generation, then immediately clicking render as above.

  3. Eric Wolf reporter

    Switching to CPU immediately crashes Fractorium, and deleting the Fractorium.ini file causes it to crash immediately on startup.

  4. Eric Wolf reporter

    I attempted to uninstall/reinstall using the .msi file and now it always crashes on startup.

  5. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Wow, I’ve heard of crashing scenarios before, but nothing this bad. Something is severely wrong.

    Are you generating a sequence first before clicking Render? That render button is for rendering sequences (it sets a few checkboxes in the final render dialog that normally aren’t set, such as render all and render as an animation sequence).

  6. Matt Feemster repo owner

    I try to run without the config file and it starts up fine. I am suspecting that your graphics drivers have a problem.

  7. Eric Wolf reporter

    Yeah I’m not sure what’s going on. I’ve gotten it working again with the test version I have. I think it’s the link you provided me in issue 44 or 35?

  8. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Glad to hear you have at least something running. I can’t think of anything I’ve done that would causes the differences in behavior from the test version you have to the current release version.

    Do you have the source code building? I know it’s hard to get building with Qt and Visual Studio. But I have instructions here on how to build. If you can get it building, then you can debug where it’s crashing.

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