EmberAnimate frame naming

Issue #48 closed
Former user created an issue

Hello! I'm experimenting using EmberAnimate on the command line, and I can't get the numbering to work properly (or else this is a feature request). Basically, if I'm rendering frames 50-100 (using --start and --end), I need the files to be named prefix_050_suffix prefix_051_suffix etc. Instead, every new render I start regardless of what frame I specified as the start, starts at 0 (prefix_000_suffix). Even if there is already a prefix_000_suffix, it gets overwritten.

Comments (6)

  1. Eric Wolf

    So maybe I did something wrong initially but it’s working as expected now. I guess what I’m really looking for is a way to ‘pause’ a render on one computer and resume it on another, or even render frames on two computers at the same time without having them overwrite each other. So if prefix_001_suffix already exists, just move on to prefix_002_suffix etc
    I’ve created what I want with python using a lockfile and rendering one frame at time, but it’s very slow as it has to parse the flame file for each frame, and can’t do threaded writes.

  2. Eric Wolf
    {executable} --in="{flameSequence}" --progress --sp --opencl --quality={setQuality} --ts={setTemporalSamples} --prefix={myPrefix}_ --suffix=_{mySuffix} --begin={firstFrame} --end={lastFrame}

    This ticket can be closed, unless you have further questions. I’d close it myself but I accidentally created the issue anonymously.

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