embergenome interpolation

Issue #49 closed
Benjamin Murauer created an issue

Hello, and first of all: you have created a masterpiece of software! Thank you very much.

I have a question regarding the usage of embergenome, i guess the error is on my part, but i don’t quite understand the documentation on this one.

I have a flame file with 2 flames, and i would like to generate a sequence of interpolated frames inbetween. For this, i have tried the following command:

embergenome --interpframes=50 --animate=Flame_2021-10-22.flame

However, the resulting file still has only 2 flames, i was expecting a sequence of 50 flames (that I can render with emberanimate).

What would the correct command for this be?

I have attached the flame file, if that’s of any help.

The version of my installation is:

embergenome --version

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Hi Ben, thanks for checking out the project.

    For animation sequence generation, you want to see the sample command lines under “Sequence” on this page:


    Also note that you can perform most of that same functionality on the GUI in the bottom section of the Library tab. See the “Sequence” section here:


    The nice thing about the GUI is you can see the previews in real-time, so it allows you to quickly tweak options until you get what you want, then click Render.

    Play around with those options and let me know if it gets you what you want.

  2. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Can you please comment on whether you were able to get this working? If not, I will close the ticket in a couple of days.

  3. Benjamin Murauer reporter

    Sorry for not responding earlier, I ended up using the GUI to create the sequences and then render them on a headless machine. Thank you

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