Independant axis scales for CLI

Issue #5 resolved
lx45803 created an issue

Fractorium allows independently adjusting the scale for each axis in the render dialog. I'd like to see options to do the same for the CLI. As a suggestion, --sx and --sy would go along well with --ss. For scale type, I'm not sure if --stype or --scaletype would be better.

Comments (7)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Hi lx, I haven't heard from you before on here. Have we corresponded via email at all? I'm curious about your usage of the program. What OS do you use and how long have you been using Fractorium? I always like to know how people use it.

    As for this feature request, how important is it to you? I ask because I am trying to wind down work on the program, so I really only want to do things that are major items or bug fixes.


  2. lx45803 reporter

    Hey Matt; no previous correspondence. I'm running Windows 7 and have been using Fractorium for about a week. I'm using it to render high resolution animations of the Electric Sheep, although I have toyed with making my own flames.

    The feature isn't very important for me, as I can replicate it with a Python wrapper that modifies the size and scale nodes in the sheep before passing it to the appropriate tool, which is why I've set it to trivial priority. However, keep in mind that some users might not be able to do this. While most command line users are power users that could do the same with some work, everyone starts their foray into the CLI somewhere, and if they start with the Ember tools, the lack of feature parity with the GUI would be frustrating. How often that would happen and how much of a stumbling block that would be, I have no idea. I'll leave that call to you.

  3. lx45803 reporter

    And sorry for dumping all these issues at once; I'm just cataloging them as I encounter them. I don't expect you to drop everything and get back to work on the same thing you've been working on for 4 or 5 years now just to fix it for me.

    I have projects of my own that have been sitting untouched for weeks because I just don't feel like working on them lately. I usually need some space from a project after 2 weeks tops, so if you want a break after 4 years, I'm not going to bitch.

  4. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Ok sounds good. I am busy with some other things for a week or so and will definitely fix these after that.

  5. Matt Feemster repo owner

    I've committed this work and it will be included in the next release. Build from source and run if you feel like testing it early.

  6. Matt Feemster repo owner

    This has been released in version Please get the latest from

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