Support OpenEXR 3

Issue #50 closed
Benjamin Murauer created an issue

The OpenEXR library has updated to version 3.0 earlier this year, and the update changed some import paths.

I’m no expert in C++, Qt or OpenEXR, but I think I managed to create a patch that should be able to do the trick.

Comments (8)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Hi Ben, thanks for the heads up. I don’t plan to release anytime soon as there are no major features or bug fixes. Plus, I am absolutely buried in my other open source project I am working on right now named Keysharp, which is also hosted here on my Bitbucket account (I plan to commit the code in late December).

    Do you use OpenExr? I find it’s rarity. You can get the same functionality by using 16bpp PNG.

    Also, are you currently building the program from source?

  2. Benjamin Murauer reporter

    No worries, and a very big thanks for Fractorium! I love the software.

    I can’t say that I “use” OpenEXR, i hardly understand what it does. However, I use Arch Linux, which uses OpenEXR in version 3 for many packages including Blender or other stuff that I use regularly, and I built Fractorium from source by downgrading OpenEXR, which broke some other dependencies for me.

    However, the package maintainer for the Arch Linux package of Fractorium just added the patch to the repository two days ago, so it can be built semi-automatically again.

    Thanks for the quick response! Feel free to close this issue.

  3. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Ok that makes sense, and very cool that there is a package for Arch. I had no idea.

    I’ll try to get this committed shortly.

  4. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Awesome, thanks for confirming. Maybe let the Arch person know if you are in touch with them. They should contact me here for support in the future.

    I will close this ticket.

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