Docker Support

Issue #58 new
Eric Wolf created an issue

I’m trying to get Fractorium running in docker, for scalability. After a lot of digging, I finally got emberrender to run, but it doesn’t seem to care about the --opencl flag (I’m not even sure OpenCL is working properly in the container though). Previous attempts gave me an error about not finding OpenCL and defaulting to CPU, but this time it’s just defaulting to CPU without notice.

I’ve attached my dockerfile, it’s… hack-y at best.

I’m building and running with this command:

docker build -t fractorium . && docker run --rm -it --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri --volume=/mnt/user/Fractals:/mnt/user/Fractals/ --privileged fractorium bash

and inside the container:

 cd /mnt/user/Fractals/Flames/2022 && emberrender --in=Sequence_2022-07-20-210305-q10000_9.flame --out=test.png --progress --verbose --opencl

It shouldn’t matter (because Docker) but my current host is Unraid with an RX 5700XT graphics card

Comments (1)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    I am not familiar with Docker, so I can’t help there.

    However, there is an option you can pass to emberrender called --openclinfo which will show you the platforms and devices on that machine.

    Also, it appears you didn’t specify a specific platform or device on the command line. After finding out the platform and device number of the graphics card you want to use, try passing it on the command line.

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