Add "--ignore-existing" option to emberanimate

Issue #59 closed
Eric Wolf created an issue

In the CLI, I’d like to tell emberanimate to not re-render existing images. A simple check if the file to be output already exists would be enough. In theory, this could also be a way to have a gpu farm work on the same set of frames at the same time.

Comments (4)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Good idea, but I am pretty busy with some other things at the moment and am not working on Fractorium. I will implement this, but it’ll be a month or so.

  2. Matt Feemster repo owner

    I’ve committed this, but have not created a release for it. Are you building from source? If so, give it a try.

    On that note, as part of this commit I have also upgraded the solution and projects to VS 2022.

    See the new documentation for this option under Advanced Options on this page:

    Let me know what you think.

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