Independent appimage release for Linux

Issue #60 closed
ryjelsum created an issue

Hey, love what you’ve done with this project, I’ve been having a lot of fun with it.

I’d like to request that the appimage is also released alongside the .rpm and .deb packages, for those of us not using Ubuntu or Fedora. I’ve got it to run with CUDA and OpenCL GPU acceleration on NixOS after extracting the appimage from the .rpm (with some minor tweaks to account for differences specific to NixOS), so I’d think it should work pretty well on most Linux distros as-is.


Comments (5)

  1. ryjelsum reporter

    Works just as well, and just for good measure I booted up a LiveCD session of EndeavourOS (Arch-based) on a VM and tried it there, and it worked out-of-box there. Seems good to me. 🙂

  2. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Great. I’ve added it as a download link on the main page of the website. I’ll continue to do that going forward.

    Note: this project is no longer in active development, it’s just barely in maintenance mode. The current release was the first one in two years. However, it’s packed with functionality so there should be plenty in there to keep people busy.

    Closing this issue.

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