Build doesn't work with newer libs

Issue #63 closed
Benjamin Murauer created an issue

The build currently fails on my system (arch linux) due to the hard-coded library versions for -lIex, -IlmThread, and -lOpenEXR. This could be prevented by removing the -3_1 suffix in the defaults.pri. The build seems to work fine with version 3.2 of each of those three libs, which is installed on my system.

I don’t have a clue if this change is sensible. My intuition wonders why these library versions are hard-coded in the configuration, especially since the other libs seem to be okay without specific versions. But I am also fine with passing this task on to the package maintainer of the arch linux package for fractorium, if those versions are the only ones that are officially supported.

Comments (8)

  1. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Hmm, I am unsure if it’ll still build without those. I’ve had quite a bit of difficulty maintaining the build with those libraries over the years as they’ve changed versions.

    If you remove the suffixes, does it build for you?

  2. Benjamin Murauer reporter

    Yes, the latest versions that I have installed are 3.2, and the build does not work with the suffixes. Once I remove them, the build runs fine. However, I can’t speak for all linux distributions of course, and I have absolutely no idea which versions of the respective libraries are shipped with which distros. There is a fractorium package for Arch linux which could include this change, but the maintainer seems to have abandoned the ship. I have mentioned this fix there, so anyone who would want to install fractorium on Arch in theory has the instructions.

    This is not a pressing issue, so feel free to close this ticket, I just wanted to let you know and do my part by reporting it ;)

  3. Matt Feemster repo owner

    I appreciate you reporting it. I’ll give it a try on Linux Mint. I have two different versions of it I can test on, so I’ll see if it will build on both without the suffix. If it does, I’ll commit the fix.

    I would rather do it this way, that way I don’t have to continually change the build file in the future every time OpenEXR updates their version.

  4. Matt Feemster repo owner

    I’ve committed a fix, and put some comments in that section of defaults.pri

    I left the link library statements for older versions in there commented out, because I have to use an older version of Linux Mint to make the installer due to constraints of AppImage. But I’m the only doing that, so I left the newer ones uncommented by default.

    Please have a look and let me know what you think.

  5. Benjamin Murauer reporter

    I think the lHalf is also only needed for old OpenEXR versions, they seem to have merged in into lOpenEXR nowadays. I can only build Fractorium without the -lHalf line in the file.

  6. Matt Feemster repo owner

    Ok, I’ve commented that out too. If that’s all, then I’ll close this ticket. Thanks for working on it.

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